Club walks are only conducted on Tuesdays.
Walks cater for 3 levels of ability:
Ramblers Walking 7-10 km on flattish terrain;
Hikers 10-14 km at a faster pace including hills; and
Trekkers 15-20 km in more challenging terrain.
Walks follow established tracks, take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and are completed within 4 to 6 hours. Each group conducts reconnaissance walks every other Tuesday.
Several social events are arranged during the year as well as weeks away that involve a series of day walks from a base camp with suitable commercial accommodation such as a caravan park.
Members also contribute to the maintenance of several local walking tracks.
The Club insures its members through its affiliation with Bushwalking Victoria and offers training in map reading, navigation and first aid.
After 12 months membership all members are expected to contribute, in one way or another, to the many tasks that are required to maintain the smooth operation of the Club.